You can also use those same negative experiences and life traumas as a way to gain more personal power. In all things there is polarity. Good and bad existing simultaneously, seemingly in harmony. If you are able to find the good that comes from the all bad situations, traumatic events and encounters with wolves in sheep’s clothing then you’ll be able to feel gratitude for those events. When your heart and mind are filled with gratitude wonderful things can happen. Instead of being haunted by the past you’ll be empowered by it.
Perhaps this bit of food for thought will start your day with a bit of a different perspective on the challenges you face today. I hope I’ve helped in someway…. At some point…
As with the other posts on this blog there must be a song to get your feet tapping & your mind running… I try to select a song which coincides with the content of the blog so I do believe the following song is a good choice for this morning.(gratitude=thank you) Hope you Enjoy! Take care…