"What would Jesus do?" ... We have all heard this question at one time or another. Indeed it is a question meant for us to pause for a moment to feel empathy towards others even though we may be in a challenging situation ourselves. A moment to calm oneself to find goodness in others. However, with hind sight being 20/20 what would Jesus really do. Perhaps in hind-sight the lamb of God might be a tad peeved about the whole thing after he's had sometime to think about it, eh?
Just a lil' point to ponder... gosh, hope it doesn't turn into another Mel Gibson movie or a Fox special... yikes, HOlyCrap I: Jesus' revenge.
... (The ol' 80's phrase "GOING POSTAL will be changed to "GOING JESUS" :o)...
truly I kid, take it with a grain of salt ... and before sending the hate emails stop for a moment and ask yourself 'what would jesus do' :o)