Many moons ago a fella told me of a creative way he would remember information when taking exams back in college. He spoke of our sense of smell being one of our strongest tools in remembering. We’ve all experienced it. A certain scent lingering in the air transports us back to a different time and place, an event, in which the scent was previously noted. To remember data for an exam he used scented hand lotion when studying then on the day of the exam used the same hand lotion and the scent helped him to recall his studies. He suggested using vanilla as a trigger since it’s commonly found in lotions, candles, and countless other products. I’ve since shared this with others and have heard a lot of positive results. One girl would burn a vanilla scented candle when reviewing presentation material and then layer vanilla scented personal care products the day of the presentation. Whether or not people’s success can be attributed to this technique, perhaps the success being just a matter of believing that it’s working as it were a placebo or such, it’s worth giving it a go. (If you experience success with this technique please share your experience with me, would love to hear your story) * Ladies..( & gents I suppose) if you're spouse has difficulty remembering anniversaries and other special dates try filling the home with scents remincent of the special day throughout the days leading up to the date, perhaps the fragrance of your wedding flowers, certain foods, the perfume you wore that day. The results may amaze you..
Speaking of memory…
“Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us. “
Oscar Wilde is meant to be a sensory experience :o) ....