31 December 2009

Happy New Year!

Here's a great song to listen to when thinking about New Years resolutions. Hope you enjoy! May all your holiday wishes come true. May you be blessed with good health and happiness in the new year and always. (...when I went looking for Micheal Jackson's 'man in the mirror' to post I ended up going on a bit of a jackson journey. Below, prior to the man in the mirror vid, is the url for a very young Michael's "Don't stop til you get enough" - the embed is disabled on ever post for this, however, it is worth the extra work to view it. Look at his expressions, the look in his eyes, the joy in his spirit. Could you imagine what he must felt. These new and exciting opportunities. Then you have the amazing opportunity to do a huge deal with pepsi. Imagine the trauma of the events, the chronic pain not just from having your head set a blaze (that terrifying ordeal) but, well, some peoples nerves act differently than others. He kept going. Doing what he had to to keep going. Poor fella. What would you do in his shoes. How would you feel? Imagine feeling that intense pain throughout your body, in the public eye, in the infantcy of your career, the emotional trauma of disfigurement and in the public eye. Could you imagine what he went through? If you then watch the 'official' Thriller video, the 13 minute deal-e-o, the way he looked made over into the walking, well dancing, dead, Zombie Michael, is the same way he looked the last years of his life (just a bit lighter... imagine the emotional trauma of all that, and the thing with his nose, the accusations. We just have no idea the intensity of it. Body riddled with unimaginable pain surrounded by people dictating advice on what he should do and how he should act. So much creative talent, a body thats botha blessing and a curse. I think he intended to "go" after the This is It project... planned death perhaps, his doctor doing him a tremendous favor knowing the consequence. Poor guy,hats off to him regardless of whatever circumstance. don't stop vid:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrPTDU40hO4

28 December 2009

Cute tv episode. Recent eps. of Fox's "Till Death"...

I'm not a fan of the show. I don't dislike it, just don't watch it. Don't even know when it airs.. I'm probably over at CBS at the time. Anyhow, run time 21 minutes... entertainingly funny, yet thought provoking..enjoy! (until blog layout is corrected the full screen button is blocked so to view full screen double click to launch in hulu in new window.)

25 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!....

(was delayed a few hours from leaving this post, was run over by a Rudolph... think Ole' Santa needs a sobriety test (or perhaps a new pair of glasses.) Well, if your going to be walked on, better it be by a reindeer. Well Any who.... to all the creatures a' stirring this Christmas Morning, may today's journey warm your hearts and lift your spirits. For those who don't know how much more holiday music they can handle... here's a non-holiday song quite fitting, perhaps profound,... maybe even essential in someway, ..for Christmas Day (or whatever holiday it is you celebrate, ..easier just to say Christmas here, yet, blessed are all religions and those with love, kindness, compassion [and all that other good stuff] in their hearts.) Hope you enjoy! Check back later for a better post, several additional will be posted today... yet, most likely not until night, ..we shall see..... meanwhile, enjoy the song... rather, the sentiment... Merry Christmas, (happy Hanukkah and all that jazz...)

23 December 2009

A Charlie Brown movie to get you in the mood. A lesser of the flicks, however, Charlie Brown none the less "I Want A Dog For Christmas Charlie Brown"

to watch on your laptop while wrapping gifts....
run time: 41 minutes

(hulu offers the option to share video stating 'copy code to website or blog', hence, no laws being broken posting it - so relax & enjoy! Happy Holidays)

21 December 2009

Hope everyone will enjoy this video of clips from the movie Elf (as in, Buddy the Elf)... Enjoy! Smiles are contagious, pass them along :o)

I actually was looking for a certain clip from the movie to post, yet alas, couldn't find it. It's the clever scene where Buddy rattles off the 4 food groups... candy canes, candy , syrup, think perhaps pixie stix are in there somewhere... quite cute.)

19 December 2009

Sending out a bit of Fa La La .....

... or shall I say, fa ra ra ra ra

Just stopping by....

just wanted to post a few relaxing songs... probably will come back and delete this later.... also, it's night time at the market live cam... was snowing earlier too.. quite the pretty sight to see, the camera controls are quite wild... http://webcam.anw.at/ ((the flood lights,prominent in camera 1, are new - or brighter, i can imagine what promoted the bright lights... any who... remember w/ the live cam you are fighting for the controls with other people watching the cam, if they are persistent then just let them taking you on a little journey of what they would like to see, then take back the controls when they slow... the trick to it is to rapidly press the direction or zoom in/out buttons on the remote control.. it constantly refreshing so there is a slight hesitation instead of smooth motion, get in as many clicks as you can before it refreshes - out-click the other guy... camera one is good for zooming out and looking at the city...few good booths to check out the vendors , far left there is a small train going around in a circle on the green ...but other viewers don't let me zoom into that area... different perspective from cameras 2 and 3 .. camera 3 can get you to the manager scene and some pretty cool other stuff... and again, can zoom in so as to take a stroll with the tourists, ..open your mind and view with all your senses, it need not be just visual, .. let's take a walk shall we...

11 December 2009

Let's see if I can make you smile!?. I have for you this morning a clip from A Christmas Story and a lil' Food For Thought regarding the LiveCam-

Take a moment to click on the Christmas live cam in my previous post, ck at different times (I happened across it at a wonderful time of night as rain had just begun to fall. Reflections of holiday lights dancing in puddles with tourists strolling huddled close beneath umbrellas. Market surrounded by statues, a constant stirring of wide eyed visitors. A two minute vacation Many moons ago, back when I was a young lass knee high to a grass hopper, I was having to learn how to deal with pain. It was in post-op of my first knee surgeries, having followed numerous dislocations. A male nurse saw that I was in a great deal of pain and sickened by the situation and ill from the anesthesia. I was quite young, yet, clearly in need of solution. With time pressing, he quickly taught me some tips and tricks for dealing with pain - drilling the point of how powerful the mind is, mind of matter, the mind can make the body well yadda yadda yadda. The point of the story being that a mind exercise he taught me was something that can make the live cam in my last post quite an enjoyable 2 minute mini vaca. (hey, I know, It's not some lil' island in the Bahamas, .... but trust me, ...use the cam controls (warning, other visitors to the site can move the cam too, if you can't go see what you want let the other visitor take you along with them... then stroll the market, zooming in on the vendors, the chocolate trains in the lil' gourmet shops, stroll to the manger scene, the Christmas tree, anyhow...) I don't recall the name he used for the technique, however, I suppose by today's standards it could be considered a type of 'remote viewing', waking astral or some sort or some such.... He taught me with items in the hospital but told me to practice with a distant tree. To zoom the tree into focus not with my eyes but with my mind's eye. To imagine the bark, the texture, smell, every curve, leaves. I'm going to refrain from getting into more detail on the exercise. It is interesting to say the least, and for some the little which I wrote is enough to understand what that Nurse who took pity upon me taught me. Paul, that was his name. One of the few who took a thorn from the lion's paw. But anyhow, once again I digress (and slaughter the spelling and grammar of the English language in the process) So, point being... Take a moment to click on the Christmas live cam in my previous post. When you have the controls to yourself indulge in the journey. Stroll the market and avenues of the city. Take in the sites, pour over the vendors. Feel it, taste it, open your senses to the experience. Don't just view it with your eyes, you do yourself a grand disservice if you don't take it all in.

10 December 2009

3 Christmas livecams of Wiener-Maerkte... zoom in/out - left/right to landmarks, city lights, take a little stroll, wonderful sight to see/share....

http://webcam.anw.at/ below is a map of the market and where the 3 camera's are placed... http://www.wiener-maerkte.at/christkind/christkind.html

01 December 2009

A bit of laughter ................. ...

This video is of the ole' sitcom "WKRP in Cincinnati" (remember that show? wow does that take you back... ) anyhow, this video is the popular episode "Turkey's Away". It's more of a thanksgiving entry, however, I know it will make you laugh regardless of how your day is going. * If you only have a minute to watch then slide the bar to about 18 minutes in, that's the part when they start dropping the turkeys out of the helicopter... but be sure to watch to the end for the hilarious last line of the show! I hope you enjoy and that it was worth the visit to this blog. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious kind of great day! Enjoy!...

19 November 2009

In the style of the ol' ebay blogs... just dropping by to post a few happy quotes and a video that will make you smile.....

MAY YOUR DAY BE BLESSED! May Lady Luck smile on you today and everyday! ENJOY!

"When I look at my life through the lens of gratitude, all my experiences take on a rosy glow." -Thomas Kinkade"

"To Give Is To Receive." "Gerald G. Janpolsky (actually it sounds as though this quote maybe from the bible, yet, according to Thomas Kinkade's quote collection it was said by Janpolsky.... in any case, words to live by... as well as 'do unto others as you would have done unto you,.. ALWAYS walk a mile in another's moccasins.. follow your heart... live your dreams.. stay true to yourself.. be in the now.. etc..)

On that note,... here's a bunch of notes to make you smile... Manheim Steamroller orchestra "Deck the Halls", video of someone's Holiday Light Display. Listen, watch and think warm, cozy thoughts of Christmas. Close your eyes and smell the crackling fire, imagine being snug as a bug in a rug curled up with your love,.. the feeling in the air and your spirit. Let those happy thoughts carry you through your day and the holiday season. Your thoughts create your reality - so make your thoughts good ones... the best

17 November 2009

A Morning Pep Talk to start your day....

remember…. Everyday is a new beginning, don’t fret about yesterday or dread tomorrow… take today, ‘be here now’. Find something to look forward to so as to draw upon the hopeful, exciting energy look forward to something creates. Use that energy to drive you through this day, to inspire you. You can do anything, you can endure anything that’s thrown your way. Stand tall, lift that chin and find your joy. Be true to yourself..You are one of a kind... A Rare Find and don't you forget it.. ….. “Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell” -Friedrich Nietzsche
“If it were not for hopes, the heart would break.” -Thomas Fuller
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops - at all.” -Emily Dickinson

And a song to feed your spirit… John Lennon’s “Imagine” seems a fitting choice… hope you Enjoy! Have a GREAT day! Take Care & Smile Much….(wink wink, nudge nudge)

16 November 2009

Just passing by for a quick little note. Will be back at approx. 10pm (eastern time). Simply a few quotes and a song for now...

This page still under construction, sorry.

"Once you choose hope, anythings possible." -Christopher Reeve "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -Winston Churchill "The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for." -Allan Chalmers

and a song, Enya's "Angels" Enjoy!

13 November 2009

Just a bit of foot tappin' song to start your day, hope you enjoy!

May today be filled with wonderful surprises and rewards for your efforts. May your cup runneth over and love engulf your spirit. Have yourself a great day!

Jason Mraz - 'I'm yours"' (unplugged in Korea - fun video, silly fellow... got to love em') And for those with a bit of a different taste in music... here's Rush with 'Spirit of Radio'... (hope these tunes start your day out on a happy note...)

12 November 2009


Everyday is a new opportunity. An absolute New Begining. Mold it, Shape it as if an artists block of clay... chip away at it. This day is yours ! Own it! Balls to the walls - make it a good one!

11 November 2009

Just a little ol' post to soothe the savage beast...

J Enjoy! “I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down...” -Abraham Lincoln "Hope is a waking dream" -Aristotle "Romance makes a radiant sunrise out of every moment." -Thomas Kinkade and to bring it on home with a song... " ENYA 'If I could be where you are' "(pulled off youtube, not an original creation...)

04 November 2009

Okey Dokey... posting a bit of food for thought and another song so as to get a feel for this new site. Quite a different world from Ye Ol' Ebay Blog

Hiding a play list here so as to not clutter up blog, too lazy to create playlist, to cheap to buy the music :o/

bunch of shit

gnarls barkley
enya /enigma delirum

rain song
enigma enya

"I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act." Buddha
"I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world." Albert Einstein
"It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,an hour to like someone, and an day to love someone...but it takes a lifetime to forget someone." -Unknown
And for some foot tapping song.... Taking you way back to 1985 LIVEAID with REO's roll with the changes... hope you enjoy! :o)

Just posting a song....

Trying to learn the in's and out's of this blog to be able to utilize it the way the ebay blog was.... inserting youtube - just not the same thing in this arena... soooo , if only code appears below, clearly, still, have no idea what I'm doing here. Hmmm, not master of my domain ;o)