11 December 2009

Let's see if I can make you smile!?. I have for you this morning a clip from A Christmas Story and a lil' Food For Thought regarding the LiveCam-

Take a moment to click on the Christmas live cam in my previous post, ck at different times (I happened across it at a wonderful time of night as rain had just begun to fall. Reflections of holiday lights dancing in puddles with tourists strolling huddled close beneath umbrellas. Market surrounded by statues, a constant stirring of wide eyed visitors. A two minute vacation Many moons ago, back when I was a young lass knee high to a grass hopper, I was having to learn how to deal with pain. It was in post-op of my first knee surgeries, having followed numerous dislocations. A male nurse saw that I was in a great deal of pain and sickened by the situation and ill from the anesthesia. I was quite young, yet, clearly in need of solution. With time pressing, he quickly taught me some tips and tricks for dealing with pain - drilling the point of how powerful the mind is, mind of matter, the mind can make the body well yadda yadda yadda. The point of the story being that a mind exercise he taught me was something that can make the live cam in my last post quite an enjoyable 2 minute mini vaca. (hey, I know, It's not some lil' island in the Bahamas, .... but trust me, ...use the cam controls (warning, other visitors to the site can move the cam too, if you can't go see what you want let the other visitor take you along with them... then stroll the market, zooming in on the vendors, the chocolate trains in the lil' gourmet shops, stroll to the manger scene, the Christmas tree, anyhow...) I don't recall the name he used for the technique, however, I suppose by today's standards it could be considered a type of 'remote viewing', waking astral or some sort or some such.... He taught me with items in the hospital but told me to practice with a distant tree. To zoom the tree into focus not with my eyes but with my mind's eye. To imagine the bark, the texture, smell, every curve, leaves. I'm going to refrain from getting into more detail on the exercise. It is interesting to say the least, and for some the little which I wrote is enough to understand what that Nurse who took pity upon me taught me. Paul, that was his name. One of the few who took a thorn from the lion's paw. But anyhow, once again I digress (and slaughter the spelling and grammar of the English language in the process) So, point being... Take a moment to click on the Christmas live cam in my previous post. When you have the controls to yourself indulge in the journey. Stroll the market and avenues of the city. Take in the sites, pour over the vendors. Feel it, taste it, open your senses to the experience. Don't just view it with your eyes, you do yourself a grand disservice if you don't take it all in.

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