20 April 2010


In homage to Earth Week / Earth Day I’m posting some food for thought about our living planet. Surely everyone has noticed the new types of super storms, significant temperature fluctuations, earth quakes and volcanoes throughout the globe. Significant events which are casually mentioned along with traffic tie ups and a commercial for a buffet restaurant. Perhaps the state of the economy, terrorism and such provide the distractions we need to keep us blind folded. It seems we have become indifferent to change. I was a bit surprised that a near miss by an asteroid, passing closer to us than the moon is, back at the beginning of April was mentioned just in passing. Many don’t even know the cosmic event occurred. It as though we take so much for granted that we simply choose not to think about how fragile we and the living earth really are and how volatile the universe is. Perhaps it’s within that realization that we discover gratitude and inspiration. However, it appears that it’s the subtleties in nature in which we find the most incidence of change. Those things that give us a bit of a knee-jerk reaction of ‘ Now that can’t be good..’ … Bumble Bees who seem a bit larger than in previous years. Incidences of lack of symmetry in flora. Changes in soil, increase of clover. A bit of food for thought, what do you imagine the chain reaction will be to recent occurrences such as the lizards and crops that froze and died in Florida during their record low cold snap. I’m located in Connecticut and recently we experienced record highs. Summer highs in the 90s followed by frost warnings. “Now that can’t be good.” Up until the high temps the spring peepers were happy-go-lucky singing their Spring song, since then they’ve been silent. Ahh , poor lil’ spring peepers. It brings to mind an image along the lines of the end of the Wizard Of Oz when a bucket of water is thrown upon the Evil Witch. “ Help Us… We’re Melting.. “ Now that can’t be good. I will be posting photos of oddedities I’ve noticed. If you have any photos you would like to share please forward them to me . If you’d like I can add a watermark and will credit you in the photo post. You still have ownership of you photo. I would absolutely love to see someone submit a photo of the frozen lizards frozen in the streets of Florida back when they experienced the record lows. It’s really not funny, perhaps a bit of a morbid obsession, but I must see those lizard pops. The chain reaction in nature just can’t be good. It happened, occurrences keep happening and it seems as though we are failing to give thoughts to the chain reaction that each event sets off. Ah , it brings to mind Newton’s Third Law of Motion. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” That’s what this post is about, taking a moment to think about cues from nature that are all around us everyday. Subtle changes in nature in an age of digital photography. Of course this is something that will be branched out into a separate blog since it doesn’t mesh with this blog’s mission. If you have any photos to contribute please email them to me for posting on the new nature blog. I would greatly appreciate it.

Perhaps it's all a matter of creating a Harmony between Science & Nature

(here’s are some cool links to check out: www.newscientist.com , www.spaceweather.com )

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