29 May 2010

NASA Imagery of Oil Spill

NASA Imagery of Oil Spill

(Sorry, no embed for this, still looking ~ when I find a suitable alternative I'll edit the post with embedded photos, too much clicking now a days)

As always, I'm going to add a song to the post... yet, what could I possibly post which would be a suitable segway from 'that darn oil'. Well now, it was quite by chance that I happened across this video & surprisingly at the most perfect time. Kudos to the creator of this video, hats off indeed. ta ta for now, much more to come. Any questions feel free to dop me a note, email address wont be listed in profile long at all... anywho... hope you enjoy!

28 May 2010

Friday food for thought: The Power of HUGS

Good morning & Good day. Today's Food For Thought is quite simple really. Pause for a moment and think about the power of a hug. Think about what it does for your mind, body & spirit and the loved one who you are holding in your arms. The power of the moment and how it enhances your day (and theirs), puts a smile on your face & a spring in your step. The energy exchanged in a hug is healing & empowering. Sometimes we joke about if only such things could be bottled. Yet, you are surrounded by the opportunity all the time. Never underestimate the power of a hug (or of holding hands, a gentle touch, a reassuring glance.. ) Thus, today, and throughout the holiday weekend at picnics and get-to-gethers, hug more and hug tighter. Hug often and with all your heart. Never underestimate the power of such things. Have a really great day, today & everyday! Enjoy! XOXO More to come soon, promise. For now, something to get your foot tappin', wheels a' turnin' , etc... etc.. etc..

take you back to a more playful time perhaps... ahhh, 80's video's ~ What a hoot, however, I searched & searched & searched some more for the embed for it with no luck.. this will have to do (yes,... this song reminds me, I know, I will be posting the article from word regarding transference & such... all in due time,.. in time - indeed, ..anywho

26 May 2010

A bit of food for thought concerning weather, nature, 2012...all that jaz...

.. it's all connected. Thus,this mornings food for thought is quite simple. Think for a moment about the type of weather you've been enjoying, been having,.. spikes and dips,..records. Somewhere along the lines we've developed "global warming" to be a catch all for any earth changes (and then throw it in an arena of debate of whether [or shall I say weather] or not it exists) yet seldom do we look beyond that...think outside the box for a moment, well actually the planet, and take a moment to visit www.spaceweather.com and just skim over the articles on their home page and think about how, perhaps, they relate to your weather now and the potential impact on the future ... (quite a dandy of a pickle ["that's what she said", sorry - couldn't resist]) Have a great day! Enjoy! Induldge the senses, follow your heart, be true to yourself ~ always.

23 May 2010

okay, back for now....

(ah back from the dead so it feels... pain is a mountain I have yet to conquer[getting there perhaps... all in due time i suppose, just a matter of telling the brain to ignore such signals - yes?, we control our bodies, yes? we are yet to know to what extent, hm?...]) For now, a simple song with a sunday feel to it, will return to posting the posts n' such as I get in the catch up mode .. it is what it is.. eh/a?..

p.s. ... Be True To Yourself.... always

18 May 2010

A bit of Food for thought,... with a Silverling yet to be seen....

Food For Thought:
"That Darn Oil " (need I say more?...)

Well then, .. how about this...? have a rather dandy day, Enjoy! Feel gratitude for the blessings that surround you, they're there if you look up, look around and take it all in (oh geesh, ... that's what she said [sorry,couldnt resist saying it])(will be back soon with much to copy & paste from Word)

okay, not the greatest song to start your Tuesday so here's a dandy of a ditty to get you moving ~ Enjoy!

15 May 2010


ok, last post I indicated that I'm not in a musical mood at this time and wasn't posting a song........... well,... indeed this is a song ~ but posting it for a Smile! Enjoy! .. surely this must be good for a grin, if not a laugh :o) (heck of a song to get stuck in your though, sorry about that part)... as tigger would say - ttfn ... ta ta for now...

'till later.....

Just popping by to let you know I'll be, well indeed to that is to say (a bit of a physical mess at the moment,.. bit frustrating indeed, our bodies are supposed to be merely work horses we rent for our time here, a slave to our brain , hence, we 'should' have complete control over physical condition ,..illness/wellness and the like... yet, hasn't been that way this week.. ) anywho, anyhow,.. unfortunately, not much music on the mind so not posting a song and drawing a blank (perhaps thats the problem) so not posting a quote either... however, i'll will pop back through around 7pm this evening.. probably again around 11pm. I still have the post regarding true vs. transference to post examining the various layers of attraction. perhaps leave you with a bit of food for thought... yes, 'that darn oil' again, yet this time an excericise in empathy. Imagine if you will, being one of the many people who devoted their life to saving the sea turtles, getting them off the endangered species list. Perhaps in your life you rescued what, 3... 4 turtles and successfully released them back into the wild after putting your everything into nurturing these fragile lives, for decades it's been your lifes work.. high-fives and champagne toasts mark memorable moments of those successfull rehabilitations... imagine driving to work and aside from your heart and spirit chattered but your entire lifes work gone in an instant and starting over in such conditions seems a daunting, sad struggle. Though, nothing is ever entirely bad, gratitude can be found in everything... but for now I wont speak of the silverlining in regards to such situations... for now, ..just imagine...see it through the eyes of another, pause-breathe-quiet your mind & then think of specific people and allow yourself to feel what they are feeling... see beyond the news. We aren't just meant to 'hear' information and logically process it in our minds. It's meant to be taken in by all the senses and empathies.

14 May 2010


relax~it's ok~just breathe through the tension...... a mental-massage per say

12 May 2010

Need a moment to relax so you can catch your breathe...

...then take a few minutes to play with this link, taking you far ~ far away from all your wories and woes. Link descript(yes, a lazy copy & paste job, so sorry... somewhere there's a joke there, with the job n' all but I won't go there.. but I will go to france with this dandy of a link) Link Descript: "Controllable Streaming webcam in the city of Lyon in southern France. Lyon is France's second city. Situated in the south of the country, it is very old and very attractive. The camera is installed at the 27th floor of Tour du Crédit Lyonnais, in the heart of the business center of Lyon and gives great views of many of the major landmarks. Tip from Rob Gill." http://www.grandlyon.com/la-webcam-du-grand-lyon.150.0.html (be sure to click on the map location thingy so the panoramic landscape map pops up,.. hope this eases any tensions you may be powering through this hump-day afternoon [sounds like a country song, eh? humpday afternoon...])

09 May 2010

food for thought... sort of....

watch for new posts & ebay listings coming real soon.... the weather has had me knocked off my feet the last fews days.. Quite scary, the more we do to the enviroment the more mother Earth is going to push back in the form of dramatic weather fluctuations which are far more painful than the most wicked of nor' easter. Though, there is something to be learned and gained in all of things. Everything balances out, it only stands to reason that for all the suffering nature/weather can inflict upon the body it can also produce an equal amount of healing energy (which is always there within nature for those who chose to feel it) (geesh... so it is said "....the meek shall inheret the earth..", well, most the meek I know have arthritis so I don't see how that's going to be possible, seeing as mother earth has had enough and is begining to push back [guess she got tired of turning the othe cheek for a thousand years])

06 May 2010

Life is meant to be a sensory experience...

Life is meant to be a sensory experience. Drink in the morning. Pause to acknowledge the echoing orchestra of birds awakening the morning with nature’s song. The suns first rays outlining the landscape with soft sapphire and brushes of pastel hues which speak of spring. What a gift after gray skies of winter, dormant country, dark and drab. When’s the last time you stop long enough to feel the gratitude in your heart. No matter who the gratitude is directed, perhaps you thank God for such things. It’s important to notice the ‘natural’ blessings we are given every days, which surround our every moment. Everything is always polarity,… ‘regardless’ the circumstance there is always a balance (oh, geesh, ‘That Darn Oil’ comes to mind… but that’s a different post for a different day… things are going to start getting real serious real fast .. that much oil that fast… dare I say…. ‘now that can’t be good’…) Look up from the laptop, look up from the cell phone, stop multitasking ,,… unplug for two minutes and breathe. Pause and breathe deep. In that moment take it all in,.. all the little gifts we are given that can energize us (some say can even heal …) . If you really see it, not just a glance up from texting… and for pete’s sake take the ear buds out, blue tooth ,… listen to your surroundings, … take moments to pay attention, you’ll feel swelling gratitude in your heart. I believe it’s in those moments we are the most connected with God (Oh , but that’s a post in and on itself for another day) … again , not proofreading or such at this moment, yet will come back later to clean it up. Just wanted to post some morning music to get your feet a tapping, mind a racin’ and wishing you a wonderful day. A truly wonderful day. (many more posts to come later[slew of half written…perhaps half witted,.., after a bunch goes on ebay I’ll tend to the blog(s), watch for great items to be listed on ebay… vintage publications, antique collectors items, many 4/5 leaf clover items (a new enamel technique makes all the difference - one's i made up until now weren't good enough yet to give but are now, enamel makes all the different, foolish not to have used it all along) , handmade gifts… romance items… lots o’ cool deals in bloom ~ check em’ out in a little bit :o). Again,… Have a Truly Wonderful Day ~~~ Always..

05 May 2010

Good Morning, Good Day & all that jazz!

Yes , perhaps you’re expecting the post I referenced regarding ‘true vs. transference’ which should have been posted yesterday. Well, it’s coming. Let’s just say that once you begin attempting to put into words the various facets of relationships, various degrees of attraction and how you can tell if your attraction is true or transference. Simply put ~ basically how to tell whether you have a crush or true attraction. I’m working on it, have to rein it back in, stemmed out into far too many directions (would help if I had a muse by my Side, or editor, to keep me reined in. I don’t, so bear with me please ~ I’m Sorry, i know i have to get to updating my profile photo here&ebay with a recent photo.. getting to it.. lots o' hurdles,.. mountains indeed, now that can't be good...anyhow-) I working on wrapping up a number of different posts (which come along with links for controllable, streaming, live cam’s for a bit of a virtual journey/2 minute vacation/break from the bullshit. Just have to figure out how to segway them in) I’m not dillydallying on facebook or some such. Have a bunch of different craft/art projects going, nature stuff to post on ebay/etsy while listing new items on ebay (check ‘em out… www.naturesgiftgarden.com )Thus, this little song will have to do for now. Not much of a morning beat, however, it aligns a bit to “That Darn’ Oil” (..it seems like it’s been down-played to such a degree [really, seriously, just as we are mostly water the ‘living planet’ is the same… imagine the water in our bodies having oil pumped into it , instead of dead sea turtles it’s dying organs, .. it’s been such a indifferent response, merely a shrug of the shoulders perhaps, … to the extent that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was made into a Disney movie… “ That Darn Oil”… that lone lil’ stork (or some such) that was rescued becomes a comical talking bird with, perhaps, a resurrected endangered sea turtle that was brought back to life with ‘magic beans’ , a wave of an enchanted magic wand…again, I digress… care to read more, come back a bit later, after a slew of items have made it on ebay, and there should be new posts then. Posts in a lot better shapes than these since I haven’t reread/proofread/spell or grammar checked what has gone up so I imagine that if I did I’d be quite embarrassed, eh… oh well, live and learn, it is what it is, will try better next time. With that, have a Dandy day, take it all in , savor every moment. We have no guarantee of length of life. Any of us can go at any time for any reason,…cherish those in your life while you are still blessed with them in your life. Hug the ones you love just a little bit tighter, kiss your spouse just a little bit longer. Capture the day and make it as it was your last. Let people know whether you care about them ..Run with it & remain true to yourself ~ always. Take Care,….

sting- fragile ~ recorded live on 9 / 11

OKAY DOKEY, couldn't leave you with the above song to start your day, ...must always leave you with a smile ..alrighty then ~~ baby animals are always good for a smile, so what better than video of a Dog who adopted 3 White Tiger Cubs, Ahhhhh, heartwarming~ Enjoy!

03 May 2010

Food for thought...

Just a bit of food for thought to start the week. This isn't intended to be today's post... will return later to post something in regards to " True vs. Transference " .. should be interesting, .. Anywho... Back during Earth week I posted some food for thought regarding that knee-jerk reaction of "Now that can't be good.." when witnessing significant changes in nature, storms, the living planet. (ya, I know... yadda yadda yadda) Well, the frozen lizards sprawled on the streets when Florida had the cold snap is nothing compared to, well, dead sea turtles washing upon the shore. That much oil that fast, ...dare I say it...

.. Now that can't be good... eh?

01 May 2010

Food for thought to get your mind, body, spirit and Saturday morning rolling...Enjoy!

Remain teachable. Soak up everything you can from a situation. You are always learning, growing and changing. Who you are today isn’t who you were yesterday or who you’ll be tomorrow. There is never really a ‘you’ , just the essence there of. You are your state of being, which is constantly changing which makes you indefinable. Same with the people in your lives. Perhaps someone you've known for decades you probably have yet to meet. Make it a point to really see people, their essence, and not predefined titles, labels and explanations.

Okay dokey, now then… A morning song to get your day rolling… hope you enjoy….

Ha, no , but I jest… that’s not the song,…
Ok, how about this for a morning rhythm… I wanted to repost earth, wind & fire’s ‘fantasy’ yet posted that less than a week ago … Though I suppose this song is a bit more in line with the food for thought if taken another way… Enjoy!