Yes , perhaps you’re expecting the post I referenced regarding ‘true vs. transference’ which should have been posted yesterday. Well, it’s coming. Let’s just say that once you begin attempting to put into words the various facets of relationships, various degrees of attraction and how you can tell if your attraction is true or transference. Simply put ~ basically how to tell whether you have a crush or true attraction. I’m working on it, have to rein it back in, stemmed out into far too many directions (would help if I had a muse by my Side, or editor, to keep me reined in. I don’t, so bear with me please ~ I’m Sorry, i know i have to get to updating my profile photo here&ebay with a recent photo.. getting to it.. lots o' hurdles,.. mountains indeed, now that can't be good...anyhow-) I working on wrapping up a number of different posts (which come along with links for controllable, streaming, live cam’s for a bit of a virtual journey/2 minute vacation/break from the bullshit. Just have to figure out how to segway them in) I’m not dillydallying on facebook or some such. Have a bunch of different craft/art projects going, nature stuff to post on ebay/etsy while listing new items on ebay (check ‘em out… )Thus, this little song will have to do for now. Not much of a morning beat, however, it aligns a bit to “That Darn’ Oil” ( seems like it’s been down-played to such a degree [really, seriously, just as we are mostly water the ‘living planet’ is the same… imagine the water in our bodies having oil pumped into it , instead of dead sea turtles it’s dying organs, .. it’s been such a indifferent response, merely a shrug of the shoulders perhaps, … to the extent that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was made into a Disney movie… “ That Darn Oil”… that lone lil’ stork (or some such) that was rescued becomes a comical talking bird with, perhaps, a resurrected endangered sea turtle that was brought back to life with ‘magic beans’ , a wave of an enchanted magic wand…again, I digress… care to read more, come back a bit later, after a slew of items have made it on ebay, and there should be new posts then. Posts in a lot better shapes than these since I haven’t reread/proofread/spell or grammar checked what has gone up so I imagine that if I did I’d be quite embarrassed, eh… oh well, live and learn, it is what it is, will try better next time. With that, have a Dandy day, take it all in , savor every moment. We have no guarantee of length of life. Any of us can go at any time for any reason,…cherish those in your life while you are still blessed with them in your life. Hug the ones you love just a little bit tighter, kiss your spouse just a little bit longer. Capture the day and make it as it was your last. Let people know whether you care about them ..Run with it & remain true to yourself ~ always. Take Care,….
sting- fragile ~ recorded live on 9 / 11
OKAY DOKEY, couldn't leave you with the above song to start your day, ...must always leave you with a smile ..alrighty then ~~ baby animals are always good for a smile, so what better than video of a Dog who adopted 3 White Tiger Cubs, Ahhhhh, heartwarming~ Enjoy!
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