28 May 2010

Friday food for thought: The Power of HUGS

Good morning & Good day. Today's Food For Thought is quite simple really. Pause for a moment and think about the power of a hug. Think about what it does for your mind, body & spirit and the loved one who you are holding in your arms. The power of the moment and how it enhances your day (and theirs), puts a smile on your face & a spring in your step. The energy exchanged in a hug is healing & empowering. Sometimes we joke about if only such things could be bottled. Yet, you are surrounded by the opportunity all the time. Never underestimate the power of a hug (or of holding hands, a gentle touch, a reassuring glance.. ) Thus, today, and throughout the holiday weekend at picnics and get-to-gethers, hug more and hug tighter. Hug often and with all your heart. Never underestimate the power of such things. Have a really great day, today & everyday! Enjoy! XOXO More to come soon, promise. For now, something to get your foot tappin', wheels a' turnin' , etc... etc.. etc..

take you back to a more playful time perhaps... ahhh, 80's video's ~ What a hoot, however, I searched & searched & searched some more for the embed for it with no luck.. this will have to do (yes,... this song reminds me, I know, I will be posting the article from word regarding transference & such... all in due time,.. in time - indeed, ..anywho

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