29 July 2010

~ Tip O' The Day ~

Always start your day by telling yourself "This is Going To Be A Great Day!" .... perhaps the greatest day ever. The Positive Possibilities are endless! (in doing so your subconscious will be more aware of positive opportunities it might have otherwise overlooked. Granted, this is a topic that can easily fill page after page, yet, for now, just remember ~ you Truly will have an absolutely fantastic day. (just as, as you must know either from the economy or life just being the bitch that it can be, life can turn on a dime. Bad things tend to come out of nowhere without warning... so ,.. doesn't that reinforce the opposite to be True. Life can turn on a dime for the good as well. Wonderful things can come out of the clear blue sky, without any inkling that your cup shall soon runeith over. So keep that in mind today, and everyday. Often, you just wont see the good coming - but it is.... laying in wait perhaps)

Of course, a song to get your foot a' tappin',..

28 July 2010

Just stopping by to post a great summer song to beat the heat...

(this has been stuck in my head for a week, so now I hand it off to you... to get stuck in your head :o)

27 July 2010

A Good Quote for the Day....

a good point to ponder...

"Your Faith is what you believe, not what you know." - John Lancaster Spalding

16 July 2010

Good Morning..... Good Day.. How the heck are ya. Just posting an ol' tune from Olivia Newton John to start your Friday with a smile...

Will be back quite soon. Much to post here and there. .. and well,.. jimmy cracked corn~and I dont care

Anywho, start your day with a bit of song, taking you back to 1980.. Enjoy! (and be true to yourself, always)

Well, might as well add this song in too...