29 December 2010

Food For Thought: What would Jesus do?

"What would Jesus do?" ... We have all heard this question at one time or another. Indeed it is a question meant for us to pause for a moment to feel empathy towards others even though we may be in a challenging situation ourselves. A moment to calm oneself to find goodness in others. However, with hind sight being 20/20 what would Jesus really do. Perhaps in hind-sight the lamb of God might be a tad peeved about the whole thing after he's had sometime to think about it, eh?

Just a lil' point to ponder... gosh, hope it doesn't turn into another Mel Gibson movie or a Fox special... yikes, HOlyCrap I: Jesus' revenge.
... (The ol' 80's phrase "GOING POSTAL will be changed to "GOING JESUS" :o)...

truly I kid, take it with a grain of salt ... and before sending the hate emails stop for a moment and ask yourself 'what would jesus do' :o)

Something to start your day with a smile,...

24 December 2010

Festival Livecam...

Had posted this link last year... wish I posted it sooner this year,... day late and a dollar short indeed.[as for holiday cards,.. quite a few days late..]. oh well, oopsie doopsy..I tried...xoxoxo) Hope you enjoy, (cam is controable)


23 December 2010

Christmas Lights - Carol of the Bells - Manheim Steamrollers

ENJOY !!!! (...day late and a dollar short as always ...)

09 December 2010

Video of Christmas Lights set to Holiday Music... ENJOY!

Okey Dokey, ... from now until Christmas I'm going to post a video of Christmas lights set to holiday music each day. I hope you enjoy & that it gets you in the mood.
Have a Great Day & a Wonderful Holiday Season... Be True To Yourself~Always!

(picture, eeeww, pretty cool none-the-less. I imagine that by New Years they've probably drove their neighbors over the edge & fending off death threats, but eh, atleast we get to enjoy, yes?) anywho....Hope You Enjoy!

16 November 2010

Just posting a tune to help you catch your second wind. (trans siberian orchestra ` Wizards in Winter'

The Holidays are fast approaching... time for the christmas music to begin :o)

13 November 2010

08 November 2010

Clever Advertising…

Kudos to the writer of the packaging below. I’m hoping it will give you a chuckle. Funny stuff/clever writing. Hope you enjoy! Be true to yourself you rare find you…


You'll Never Know When Something Great Is Waiting For You Just Around The Corner.....

(have a great night / Enjoy!)

05 November 2010

Just to make you smile.... will be back soon... enjoy

14 Signs Your Online Relationship Isn't Working Out 14) You discover that "Chesty McBust" isn't her real name, and she's dialing in from Langley, VA. 13) You: Large, hairy man. Your online girlfriend: Large, hairy man. 12) Her postmaster rejects your e-mail not as "undeliverable" but as "unlikely to get you anywhere." 11) After months of shared experiences and emotional investments, she attacks you in the Mines of Quarn with a Vorpal Sword when she learns you're worth 45,000 points. 10) "Returned mail: User unknown and never wants to hear from you again." 9) Your cyberlover is just too busy editing that silly little Top 5 List. 8) Getting perhaps a bit too comfortable, she lets a reference to cutting her chin shaving slip by. 7) You discover that she has been cutting and pasting her orgasms. 6) You can barely make out your SO's face in the JPEG she sent because she's obscured by her 25 cats. 5) He claims to be the richest man in the world, but his GIF looks like some geek who works for a software company. 4) Since her first e-mail, Make.Money.Fast!@cyber-promotions.com has become cold and distant. 3) She's suddenly changed her address to comingout@lesbian.com 2) Ken Starr launches an investigation into your relationship with the mysterious "tubby@whitehouse.gov" 1) In an ironic twist of fate, you discover that the object of your affection is a curvaceous 18 year old, rather than the geeky 14 year old boy she'd pretended to be.

04 November 2010

To Relax or Awaken... ?

Okey dokey, .. trying to unwind after a long day? perhaps a bit o' tuneage will help you unwind... (looking for a second wind, got that too... in the form of an 80's flash back) So Hope you enjoy!
.. to relax: christopher cross- sailing & dream weaver(gary wright), of course

ahhh, the 80's , always good for a smile... and a bit of energy (information society-what's on your mind/pure energy)

.... well, since I have ya back in the 80's I might as well include a Beverly Hills cop flash back with ol' axel f :o), ENJOY! (appologizing in advance for getting these tunes stuck in your head, don't hunt me down for payback)

A Joke to start your day with a smile....

Q: What happens when you give Viagra to lawyers???

A: They grow taller!

and a song with a song with a bit of a rainy day feel, brrrr-chilly

(where's the JPeG?)

03 November 2010

Something to make you Smile....

Three blondes were walking through the forest when they came upon a set of tracks.
The first blonde said, "Those are deer tracks."
The second blonde said, "No, those are elk tracks."
The third blonde said, "You're both wrong, those are moose tracks."
The blondes were still arguing when the train hit them.

Q. What do your boss and a Slinky have in common?
A. They’re both fun to watch tumble down the stairs.

okey dokey, perhaps a tune to gettcha rollin' through the afternoon... best with stereo sound... but will get you flowing through the rest of the day... so hope you enjoy :o)

and a bit of freakiness....

A bit of cliche' advise as some morning food for thought...

will start posting much more quite soon,.. have been adjusting to the change in temperature (this ol' gray mare, she aint' what she used to be..indeed) . Anywho.. be back soon and for now, here's some babble to perhaps brighten your day and a song to get your foot a tappin'. Hope you Enjoy! and, as always,... Be True To Yourself - Always, A Rare Find.

"Do unto others as you would do unto you..."
(don't laugh but,...)"What would Jesus do?"
"It's always darkest before the dawn."
ok, whatever...

08 October 2010

A Quote From Thomas Kinkade To Make Your Heart Smile.....

I so very much hope that the below brightens your day & starts your weekend with a smile. I will be back very soon with some new posts and a wee bit of food for thought( & some music of course.)
Have Yourself a Dandy of a Day! You Truly ARE a Rare Find,.. stay true to yourself - always! Enjoy!

*Be Sure To Visit: www.NaturesGiftGarden.com
The Holidays are just around the corner!!
Shop early & Save!
Take advantage of my sweet deals
I aim to please :o)

anywho...think happy thoughts..always...

13 September 2010

How To Count Your Blessings During The Most Terrible of Times

We live in a time of economical turmoil, a shaky job market and share a dying planet with packs of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Prime-time TV is plagued with pharmaceutical commercials for drugs to mask depression, anxiety and sleeplessness. It seems as though we have forgotten to stop to catch our breath. We are caught in a cycle of perpetual chaos, perhaps stuck in a state of shock. Looking to prayers and priests to guide the way. We all have our own mountains to climb and obstacles in our way. It’s impossible to compare your troubles to those of another because everyone’s obstacles are relative to their lives, experiences, skills and such. As always, indeed, things can always be worse. Just remember it is in the worst of storms that we realize just how strong we are and the things that are truly most important to us. Many people ponder ‘what is the meaning of life’ , yet, if you look around you during the hardest times in your life you will be blessed with learning the answer to that question.

With that said….

Your Assignment for Today:

(Too busy? ~no excuses, .. we are always able to make time for something that is important to us. If you had a winning lottery ticket you sure as shit would find a few minutes in your day to go cash it in, yes? Well my friend, here is your lottery ticket… it’s up to you to cash it in! No dilly dallying! Hop to it!)

**• Designate 5 to 20 minutes of “me time” in which you can slip away to somewhere that makes you feel good. Perhaps it’s on your porch, a garden bench, or perhaps even just in your car or the bathroom (indeed for many that maybe the only alone time you may have, but it will work)

**• Unplug & disconnect: There is nothing so important that it can’t wait 20 minutes (indeed there are exceptions to every rule but for most, I’m sorry to say, the world will not crumble and society fall to it’s knees if you don’t answer a call, respond to a text or check email, facebook and the like. Perhaps it’s those things at the root cause of people’s difficulty to be able to pause, breath, step back and analyze with fresh eyes and a clear perspective. A constant bombardment of irrelevant data clouding solutions that maybe right before you… but that’s a topic for another post-another day)

** Just start writing: Getting started is the most difficult step in the process. Simply make a list of all the blessings in your life. Everything tender and priceless in your life. Don’t think too hard. Just let it come to you. One thing after another you’ll feel it start to flow. The people, places, experiences. As the list gets longer and longer you can’t help but to gain a positive perspective on whatever the terrible trauma you maybe experiencing or have experienced. Thinking about all your blessings all at once will make you feel strong and empowered.

** Make The End The Beginning: The blessings which top your list will come epily. People can rattle off feeling blessed for their kids, spouse, parents, siblings, friends, pet, job, food on the table/basic needs etc. and then they’re stuck. Often ending the list there. However, it is at the end of the list that your eyes start to open. Try to atleast double the number of blessings you were able to think of easily. Perhaps at the end you’ll be grasping at straws … “well, didn’t have a flat tire today, that’s a blessing”, “the line was short at the store and was in and out”, “made someone smile”.. so on and so forth, you get the idea.

**Repeat the process on a daily basis using the events of the day. Perhaps it was pausing to take notice of a sunset or sunrise. You noticed the stars which perhaps you have been too busy to notice lately. .. maybe the kids didn’t tear apart the house as bad as usual or you had an actual conversation with your spouse. Often it’s not until you sit down and think of all the good things that have happened today and put them all together that you realize how truly blessed you are. The abundance of goodness in your life with light up the darkness. (it is always darkest before the dawn, eh?)

This simple, quick little process is well worth the time investment and as with anything else practice makes perfect. After awhile the process becomes automatic where as every moment of your life is lived with gratitude. During the most traumatic of storms to weather the mind will still automatically look for the blessings that surround you. In such things is the personal power to part the storm clouds. Your eyes will be open to seeing the reasons for the seemingly negative events in our lives and be able to feel gratitude towards them.

As always a song to tie in with the theme of the post.. indeed Rush is an acquired taste but I think you'll enjoy.. Take Care & Always Be True To Yourself...Do Something Good Today... Everyday! Enjoy! (with all your senses, enjoy...)

Ok, Ok, that songs a bit to slow to start your Monday morning with... so here ya go... something to get your motor revving.. Enjoy!

04 September 2010

A bit of music out of left field to get the weekend flowing...Enjoy!

Just swing by to post some foot tappin' tunes (vs. using playlist on a social site or such...) probably will take this down later and replace it with a bit of food for thought, but for now merely a bit of song since I haven't posted something in quite sometime.. (..always a method to the madness, indeed)

Always be true to yourself...

26 August 2010

Reclaiming Your Power: Morning Motivation to make for a Great Day...

Feeling a bit frazzled lately? Luckily much of the anxiety and stress we experience is self imposed. You ae the one who chooses what to focus your thoughts on. When you dwell on a situation and allow yourself to become upset over circumstances you are giving your power away. Don't ever give your power away to anything or anyone. For example, if someone does something terrible to you each time you think about what they did you are giving that person power over you, perhaps all over again. If something has happened in your past that haunts you then you are giving your power away to a sliver of time that has passed, that doesn't exist anymore. Once you become aware that you are doing this then you can stop yourself whenever such thoughts come to mind. Much like perfecting a golf game or such, with practice time and tweeking you can master your thought processes. Eventually it all becomes second nature. An automatic response.
You can also use those same negative experiences and life traumas as a way to gain more personal power. In all things there is polarity. Good and bad existing simultaneously, seemingly in harmony. If you are able to find the good that comes from the all bad situations, traumatic events and encounters with wolves in sheep’s clothing then you’ll be able to feel gratitude for those events. When your heart and mind are filled with gratitude wonderful things can happen. Instead of being haunted by the past you’ll be empowered by it.
Perhaps this bit of food for thought will start your day with a bit of a different perspective on the challenges you face today. I hope I’ve helped in someway…. At some point…
As with the other posts on this blog there must be a song to get your feet tapping & your mind running… I try to select a song which coincides with the content of the blog so I do believe the following song is a good choice for this morning.(gratitude=thank you) Hope you Enjoy! Take care…

29 July 2010

~ Tip O' The Day ~

Always start your day by telling yourself "This is Going To Be A Great Day!" .... perhaps the greatest day ever. The Positive Possibilities are endless! (in doing so your subconscious will be more aware of positive opportunities it might have otherwise overlooked. Granted, this is a topic that can easily fill page after page, yet, for now, just remember ~ you Truly will have an absolutely fantastic day. (just as, as you must know either from the economy or life just being the bitch that it can be, life can turn on a dime. Bad things tend to come out of nowhere without warning... so ,.. doesn't that reinforce the opposite to be True. Life can turn on a dime for the good as well. Wonderful things can come out of the clear blue sky, without any inkling that your cup shall soon runeith over. So keep that in mind today, and everyday. Often, you just wont see the good coming - but it is.... laying in wait perhaps)

Of course, a song to get your foot a' tappin',..

28 July 2010

Just stopping by to post a great summer song to beat the heat...

(this has been stuck in my head for a week, so now I hand it off to you... to get stuck in your head :o)

27 July 2010

A Good Quote for the Day....

a good point to ponder...

"Your Faith is what you believe, not what you know." - John Lancaster Spalding

16 July 2010

Good Morning..... Good Day.. How the heck are ya. Just posting an ol' tune from Olivia Newton John to start your Friday with a smile...

Will be back quite soon. Much to post here and there. .. and well,.. jimmy cracked corn~and I dont care

Anywho, start your day with a bit of song, taking you back to 1980.. Enjoy! (and be true to yourself, always)

Well, might as well add this song in too...

25 June 2010

A foot tappin' song to give your morning a bit of an energy burst to help clear away the static. As always, Enjoy!

Will be back later to paste a great deal of writing over from Word. (yeah, yeah , I know,... better late than never, eh?) Anywho, ..have to catch up on the ebay first. Please bare with me a tad longer, much to post on both blog (...and branching out there of into separate distinct blogs which stay on topic) and ebay (..and indeed with another lag time [summer storms-geesh, what a bitch on the body, I'm sure a lot of you can relate] I'm pretty sure I have some pissed off buyers to appease). For now, ... something to clear the static ...have a happy Friday. Remember to make every moment a full sensory experience. Don't just stop to smell the roses, but touch them, observe every artistic brush stroke of mother nature/the living planet,... though, i suggest just sticking to seeing, touching, smelling... skip the tasting part :o)

18 June 2010

Today's Assignment: Kisses Sweeter Than Wine :o)

When’s the last time you passionately kissed your spouse (significant other, lover, what-have-you) ? In the times in which we live, the state of the economy and, oh course, ‘that darn oil’ it’s only natural to become stressed and perhaps disconnected from our loved ones and the blessings which surround us all, every moment, in our day to day lives (look up from your i-phone, lap top and such and take it all in). Your assignment for the day is to take a moment to ‘just be’ in the moment. Grab your spouse/loved one, hold them close and passionately kiss them as if it were your first kiss from when you first fell in love(remember the moment, relive it, reconnect with it, with them) It won’t cost you anything and indeed well worth the time investment wouldn’t you say? Make this day, every day , special. All you have to do is to start with a kiss. (if you’re single, well,.. pet the dog [seriously, and no digs at single folks, I too find myself without such a blessing, however, there’s countless other joys which can be quite energizing as well… ]) Anywho... Do it! Just do it! As always, be true to yourself & Enjoy! (because ,indeed, cause and effect, action – reaction,… you never know where a kiss can lead… wink wink, nudge nudge).

16 June 2010

Have a Happy Wednesday!...

Love & relationships come in all shapes and forms (in various degrees of intensity) ~ Embrace it all. Life is meant to be a sensory experience. Enjoy!

12 June 2010

What Does Your Birth Month Mean? If your Birth Month is JUNE....

(... on one of my online journeys I happened across an interesting lil' site which provides information regarding your birth month. The following is pasted from that site for those Born in June Celebrating Birthdays this month...for months other than June check out the site in which this exert was derived: http://maryamie.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9592F3DEF41537A3!3429.entry )

Your Birth Month is June Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life. Your warmth and consideration touches many. Your soul reflects: Friendship, love, and beauty Your gemstone: Pearl Your flower: Rose Your colors: Light blue, white, and cream

I suppose you'll be wanting a song as well..... okay dokey, you twisted my arm,.. hope this puts a bit of rhythm in your day and a smile to your face (..with a respectful bow to boot :o) enjoy!

.. and a lil' somethin'-somethin'to get your evening pumping as well... hope you enjoy!

part 1,2 & 3- 10 min. each / adult content, multiple song videos,fw past that which may offend this album used to be quite energizing when cruising back country roads in the ol' confortable-)(

(actually more than 3 parts.. the 3rd being most favorable I suppose... )

(below is one of the few choices available for Enigma's "Gravity of Love"... official vids embed disabled.. sorry)Enjoy!

11 June 2010


Will be back soon with many posts and a plethora of ebay items to browse through.. (yes, indeed, I've said that many times before... ) come back and I think you'll be happy you did. A bit of thought provoking, perhaps inspiring, bits of babble & other cool stuff :o) As for now,... Have Yourself a Great Day. (what's a post w/out a song and a little something to make you think...) LINK FOR LIVE FEED VIDEO OF OIL SPILL FROM BP WEBSITE:


.. so I was thinking, what song could I possibly post to coincide with such a link. After much consideration I came up with this, enjoy! :o)

29 May 2010

NASA Imagery of Oil Spill

NASA Imagery of Oil Spill

(Sorry, no embed for this, still looking ~ when I find a suitable alternative I'll edit the post with embedded photos, too much clicking now a days)

As always, I'm going to add a song to the post... yet, what could I possibly post which would be a suitable segway from 'that darn oil'. Well now, it was quite by chance that I happened across this video & surprisingly at the most perfect time. Kudos to the creator of this video, hats off indeed. ta ta for now, much more to come. Any questions feel free to dop me a note, email address wont be listed in profile long at all... anywho... hope you enjoy!

28 May 2010

Friday food for thought: The Power of HUGS

Good morning & Good day. Today's Food For Thought is quite simple really. Pause for a moment and think about the power of a hug. Think about what it does for your mind, body & spirit and the loved one who you are holding in your arms. The power of the moment and how it enhances your day (and theirs), puts a smile on your face & a spring in your step. The energy exchanged in a hug is healing & empowering. Sometimes we joke about if only such things could be bottled. Yet, you are surrounded by the opportunity all the time. Never underestimate the power of a hug (or of holding hands, a gentle touch, a reassuring glance.. ) Thus, today, and throughout the holiday weekend at picnics and get-to-gethers, hug more and hug tighter. Hug often and with all your heart. Never underestimate the power of such things. Have a really great day, today & everyday! Enjoy! XOXO More to come soon, promise. For now, something to get your foot tappin', wheels a' turnin' , etc... etc.. etc..

take you back to a more playful time perhaps... ahhh, 80's video's ~ What a hoot, however, I searched & searched & searched some more for the embed for it with no luck.. this will have to do (yes,... this song reminds me, I know, I will be posting the article from word regarding transference & such... all in due time,.. in time - indeed, ..anywho

26 May 2010

A bit of food for thought concerning weather, nature, 2012...all that jaz...

.. it's all connected. Thus,this mornings food for thought is quite simple. Think for a moment about the type of weather you've been enjoying, been having,.. spikes and dips,..records. Somewhere along the lines we've developed "global warming" to be a catch all for any earth changes (and then throw it in an arena of debate of whether [or shall I say weather] or not it exists) yet seldom do we look beyond that...think outside the box for a moment, well actually the planet, and take a moment to visit www.spaceweather.com and just skim over the articles on their home page and think about how, perhaps, they relate to your weather now and the potential impact on the future ... (quite a dandy of a pickle ["that's what she said", sorry - couldn't resist]) Have a great day! Enjoy! Induldge the senses, follow your heart, be true to yourself ~ always.

23 May 2010

okay, back for now....

(ah back from the dead so it feels... pain is a mountain I have yet to conquer[getting there perhaps... all in due time i suppose, just a matter of telling the brain to ignore such signals - yes?, we control our bodies, yes? we are yet to know to what extent, hm?...]) For now, a simple song with a sunday feel to it, will return to posting the posts n' such as I get in the catch up mode .. it is what it is.. eh/a?..

p.s. ... Be True To Yourself.... always

18 May 2010

A bit of Food for thought,... with a Silverling yet to be seen....

Food For Thought:
"That Darn Oil " (need I say more?...)

Well then, .. how about this...? have a rather dandy day, Enjoy! Feel gratitude for the blessings that surround you, they're there if you look up, look around and take it all in (oh geesh, ... that's what she said [sorry,couldnt resist saying it])(will be back soon with much to copy & paste from Word)

okay, not the greatest song to start your Tuesday so here's a dandy of a ditty to get you moving ~ Enjoy!

15 May 2010


ok, last post I indicated that I'm not in a musical mood at this time and wasn't posting a song........... well,... indeed this is a song ~ but posting it for a Smile! Enjoy! .. surely this must be good for a grin, if not a laugh :o) (heck of a song to get stuck in your though, sorry about that part)... as tigger would say - ttfn ... ta ta for now...

'till later.....

Just popping by to let you know I'll be, well indeed to that is to say (a bit of a physical mess at the moment,.. bit frustrating indeed, our bodies are supposed to be merely work horses we rent for our time here, a slave to our brain , hence, we 'should' have complete control over physical condition ,..illness/wellness and the like... yet, hasn't been that way this week.. ) anywho, anyhow,.. unfortunately, not much music on the mind so not posting a song and drawing a blank (perhaps thats the problem) so not posting a quote either... however, i'll will pop back through around 7pm this evening.. probably again around 11pm. I still have the post regarding true vs. transference to post examining the various layers of attraction. perhaps leave you with a bit of food for thought... yes, 'that darn oil' again, yet this time an excericise in empathy. Imagine if you will, being one of the many people who devoted their life to saving the sea turtles, getting them off the endangered species list. Perhaps in your life you rescued what, 3... 4 turtles and successfully released them back into the wild after putting your everything into nurturing these fragile lives, for decades it's been your lifes work.. high-fives and champagne toasts mark memorable moments of those successfull rehabilitations... imagine driving to work and aside from your heart and spirit chattered but your entire lifes work gone in an instant and starting over in such conditions seems a daunting, sad struggle. Though, nothing is ever entirely bad, gratitude can be found in everything... but for now I wont speak of the silverlining in regards to such situations... for now, ..just imagine...see it through the eyes of another, pause-breathe-quiet your mind & then think of specific people and allow yourself to feel what they are feeling... see beyond the news. We aren't just meant to 'hear' information and logically process it in our minds. It's meant to be taken in by all the senses and empathies.

14 May 2010


relax~it's ok~just breathe through the tension...... a mental-massage per say

12 May 2010

Need a moment to relax so you can catch your breathe...

...then take a few minutes to play with this link, taking you far ~ far away from all your wories and woes. Link descript(yes, a lazy copy & paste job, so sorry... somewhere there's a joke there, with the job n' all but I won't go there.. but I will go to france with this dandy of a link) Link Descript: "Controllable Streaming webcam in the city of Lyon in southern France. Lyon is France's second city. Situated in the south of the country, it is very old and very attractive. The camera is installed at the 27th floor of Tour du Crédit Lyonnais, in the heart of the business center of Lyon and gives great views of many of the major landmarks. Tip from Rob Gill." http://www.grandlyon.com/la-webcam-du-grand-lyon.150.0.html (be sure to click on the map location thingy so the panoramic landscape map pops up,.. hope this eases any tensions you may be powering through this hump-day afternoon [sounds like a country song, eh? humpday afternoon...])

09 May 2010

food for thought... sort of....

watch for new posts & ebay listings coming real soon.... the weather has had me knocked off my feet the last fews days.. Quite scary, the more we do to the enviroment the more mother Earth is going to push back in the form of dramatic weather fluctuations which are far more painful than the most wicked of nor' easter. Though, there is something to be learned and gained in all of things. Everything balances out, it only stands to reason that for all the suffering nature/weather can inflict upon the body it can also produce an equal amount of healing energy (which is always there within nature for those who chose to feel it) (geesh... so it is said "....the meek shall inheret the earth..", well, most the meek I know have arthritis so I don't see how that's going to be possible, seeing as mother earth has had enough and is begining to push back [guess she got tired of turning the othe cheek for a thousand years])

06 May 2010

Life is meant to be a sensory experience...

Life is meant to be a sensory experience. Drink in the morning. Pause to acknowledge the echoing orchestra of birds awakening the morning with nature’s song. The suns first rays outlining the landscape with soft sapphire and brushes of pastel hues which speak of spring. What a gift after gray skies of winter, dormant country, dark and drab. When’s the last time you stop long enough to feel the gratitude in your heart. No matter who the gratitude is directed, perhaps you thank God for such things. It’s important to notice the ‘natural’ blessings we are given every days, which surround our every moment. Everything is always polarity,… ‘regardless’ the circumstance there is always a balance (oh, geesh, ‘That Darn Oil’ comes to mind… but that’s a different post for a different day… things are going to start getting real serious real fast .. that much oil that fast… dare I say…. ‘now that can’t be good’…) Look up from the laptop, look up from the cell phone, stop multitasking ,,… unplug for two minutes and breathe. Pause and breathe deep. In that moment take it all in,.. all the little gifts we are given that can energize us (some say can even heal …) . If you really see it, not just a glance up from texting… and for pete’s sake take the ear buds out, blue tooth ,… listen to your surroundings, … take moments to pay attention, you’ll feel swelling gratitude in your heart. I believe it’s in those moments we are the most connected with God (Oh , but that’s a post in and on itself for another day) … again , not proofreading or such at this moment, yet will come back later to clean it up. Just wanted to post some morning music to get your feet a tapping, mind a racin’ and wishing you a wonderful day. A truly wonderful day. (many more posts to come later[slew of half written…perhaps half witted,.., after a bunch goes on ebay I’ll tend to the blog(s), watch for great items to be listed on ebay… vintage publications, antique collectors items, many 4/5 leaf clover items (a new enamel technique makes all the difference - one's i made up until now weren't good enough yet to give but are now, enamel makes all the different, foolish not to have used it all along) , handmade gifts… romance items… lots o’ cool deals in bloom ~ check em’ out in a little bit :o). Again,… Have a Truly Wonderful Day ~~~ Always..

05 May 2010

Good Morning, Good Day & all that jazz!

Yes , perhaps you’re expecting the post I referenced regarding ‘true vs. transference’ which should have been posted yesterday. Well, it’s coming. Let’s just say that once you begin attempting to put into words the various facets of relationships, various degrees of attraction and how you can tell if your attraction is true or transference. Simply put ~ basically how to tell whether you have a crush or true attraction. I’m working on it, have to rein it back in, stemmed out into far too many directions (would help if I had a muse by my Side, or editor, to keep me reined in. I don’t, so bear with me please ~ I’m Sorry, i know i have to get to updating my profile photo here&ebay with a recent photo.. getting to it.. lots o' hurdles,.. mountains indeed, now that can't be good...anyhow-) I working on wrapping up a number of different posts (which come along with links for controllable, streaming, live cam’s for a bit of a virtual journey/2 minute vacation/break from the bullshit. Just have to figure out how to segway them in) I’m not dillydallying on facebook or some such. Have a bunch of different craft/art projects going, nature stuff to post on ebay/etsy while listing new items on ebay (check ‘em out… www.naturesgiftgarden.com )Thus, this little song will have to do for now. Not much of a morning beat, however, it aligns a bit to “That Darn’ Oil” (..it seems like it’s been down-played to such a degree [really, seriously, just as we are mostly water the ‘living planet’ is the same… imagine the water in our bodies having oil pumped into it , instead of dead sea turtles it’s dying organs, .. it’s been such a indifferent response, merely a shrug of the shoulders perhaps, … to the extent that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was made into a Disney movie… “ That Darn Oil”… that lone lil’ stork (or some such) that was rescued becomes a comical talking bird with, perhaps, a resurrected endangered sea turtle that was brought back to life with ‘magic beans’ , a wave of an enchanted magic wand…again, I digress… care to read more, come back a bit later, after a slew of items have made it on ebay, and there should be new posts then. Posts in a lot better shapes than these since I haven’t reread/proofread/spell or grammar checked what has gone up so I imagine that if I did I’d be quite embarrassed, eh… oh well, live and learn, it is what it is, will try better next time. With that, have a Dandy day, take it all in , savor every moment. We have no guarantee of length of life. Any of us can go at any time for any reason,…cherish those in your life while you are still blessed with them in your life. Hug the ones you love just a little bit tighter, kiss your spouse just a little bit longer. Capture the day and make it as it was your last. Let people know whether you care about them ..Run with it & remain true to yourself ~ always. Take Care,….

sting- fragile ~ recorded live on 9 / 11

OKAY DOKEY, couldn't leave you with the above song to start your day, ...must always leave you with a smile ..alrighty then ~~ baby animals are always good for a smile, so what better than video of a Dog who adopted 3 White Tiger Cubs, Ahhhhh, heartwarming~ Enjoy!

03 May 2010

Food for thought...

Just a bit of food for thought to start the week. This isn't intended to be today's post... will return later to post something in regards to " True vs. Transference " .. should be interesting, .. Anywho... Back during Earth week I posted some food for thought regarding that knee-jerk reaction of "Now that can't be good.." when witnessing significant changes in nature, storms, the living planet. (ya, I know... yadda yadda yadda) Well, the frozen lizards sprawled on the streets when Florida had the cold snap is nothing compared to, well, dead sea turtles washing upon the shore. That much oil that fast, ...dare I say it...

.. Now that can't be good... eh?

01 May 2010

Food for thought to get your mind, body, spirit and Saturday morning rolling...Enjoy!

Remain teachable. Soak up everything you can from a situation. You are always learning, growing and changing. Who you are today isn’t who you were yesterday or who you’ll be tomorrow. There is never really a ‘you’ , just the essence there of. You are your state of being, which is constantly changing which makes you indefinable. Same with the people in your lives. Perhaps someone you've known for decades you probably have yet to meet. Make it a point to really see people, their essence, and not predefined titles, labels and explanations.

Okay dokey, now then… A morning song to get your day rolling… hope you enjoy….

Ha, no , but I jest… that’s not the song,…
Ok, how about this for a morning rhythm… I wanted to repost earth, wind & fire’s ‘fantasy’ yet posted that less than a week ago … Though I suppose this song is a bit more in line with the food for thought if taken another way… Enjoy!

26 April 2010

Just posting a song to help you catch your second wind.. (also, pretty little time elapse video of the DC cherry blossoms) Hope you ENJOY!!

Think Happy Thoughts....always
(Earth Wind & Fire ~ ' Fantasy ')

Unfortunately I don't have the embed for the cherry blossom video, however, here is the link from the Washington Post of the time elapse video of the cherry blossoms blooming. Indeed it is something to bring a smile to you face regardless of ... well, ... perhaps just regardless...


20 April 2010


In homage to Earth Week / Earth Day I’m posting some food for thought about our living planet. Surely everyone has noticed the new types of super storms, significant temperature fluctuations, earth quakes and volcanoes throughout the globe. Significant events which are casually mentioned along with traffic tie ups and a commercial for a buffet restaurant. Perhaps the state of the economy, terrorism and such provide the distractions we need to keep us blind folded. It seems we have become indifferent to change. I was a bit surprised that a near miss by an asteroid, passing closer to us than the moon is, back at the beginning of April was mentioned just in passing. Many don’t even know the cosmic event occurred. It as though we take so much for granted that we simply choose not to think about how fragile we and the living earth really are and how volatile the universe is. Perhaps it’s within that realization that we discover gratitude and inspiration. However, it appears that it’s the subtleties in nature in which we find the most incidence of change. Those things that give us a bit of a knee-jerk reaction of ‘ Now that can’t be good..’ … Bumble Bees who seem a bit larger than in previous years. Incidences of lack of symmetry in flora. Changes in soil, increase of clover. A bit of food for thought, what do you imagine the chain reaction will be to recent occurrences such as the lizards and crops that froze and died in Florida during their record low cold snap. I’m located in Connecticut and recently we experienced record highs. Summer highs in the 90s followed by frost warnings. “Now that can’t be good.” Up until the high temps the spring peepers were happy-go-lucky singing their Spring song, since then they’ve been silent. Ahh , poor lil’ spring peepers. It brings to mind an image along the lines of the end of the Wizard Of Oz when a bucket of water is thrown upon the Evil Witch. “ Help Us… We’re Melting.. “ Now that can’t be good. I will be posting photos of oddedities I’ve noticed. If you have any photos you would like to share please forward them to me . If you’d like I can add a watermark and will credit you in the photo post. You still have ownership of you photo. I would absolutely love to see someone submit a photo of the frozen lizards frozen in the streets of Florida back when they experienced the record lows. It’s really not funny, perhaps a bit of a morbid obsession, but I must see those lizard pops. The chain reaction in nature just can’t be good. It happened, occurrences keep happening and it seems as though we are failing to give thoughts to the chain reaction that each event sets off. Ah , it brings to mind Newton’s Third Law of Motion. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” That’s what this post is about, taking a moment to think about cues from nature that are all around us everyday. Subtle changes in nature in an age of digital photography. Of course this is something that will be branched out into a separate blog since it doesn’t mesh with this blog’s mission. If you have any photos to contribute please email them to me for posting on the new nature blog. I would greatly appreciate it.

Perhaps it's all a matter of creating a Harmony between Science & Nature

(here’s are some cool links to check out: www.newscientist.com , www.spaceweather.com )

13 April 2010

Good Morning & Have a Great Day (posting a bit of 'funny' to start your day)

Well, indeed this wasn't the video I went looking for. However, this surely will start your day with a smile. (yeah, there's better ways to start your day with a smile, but... .. hmm) Anywho... I'm not sure quite why but I just find this video absolutely hilarious. Though, the New Zealand backdrop is quite nice...(Gosh - imagine what those poor sheep were thinking..) Enjoy!

09 April 2010

Happy-Go-Lucky Quotes to start your day. Perhaps you aren't feeling very happy go lucky, however, even if your life is immersed in a lot of crap......

...one constant always remains. The purpose of life, that which brings meaning to all things, "to Love and to be Loved" (or so it is said, or so it would seem) . It is with such things that all other things possible and the electricity to rise above any storms which may rear their ugly heads upon your horizons.
Have a Fabulous Day chock full o' many bright blessings and happy surprises...Enjoy!
"We Live in a beautiful world, one that is shimmering with romance. It's all around you, rich, lovely, and exciting." - Thomas Kinkade

"Love is the river of life in the world." - Henry Ward Beecher

"Your Faith is what you Believe, not what you know." - JJohn Lancaster Spalding

08 April 2010

Every day is a new begining, a new opportunity to move forward, Keep on moving .. Keep on Rolling..roll with the changes..

Here's a good driving song to get you pumped for your day. Get you in the rhythm, the groove, to energize your day. Driving song indeed, .. if you're driving then what the heck are you doing looking down at this, eh? Look at the road will ya...) Have a Dandy Day... Enjoy!

01 April 2010

Hope, Faith & Something To Believe In...

Happiness can’t exist in the absence of HOPE. Once hope is lost FAITH ends up fading along with it. So how can one carry on when in a hopeless situation but with the will to do more than merely survive? We always are faced with two directions: lay down and die or stand up and fight. Therein lies the predicament when you know it's an impossible fight. Know that it is possible to trek forward on false hope and it’s ok to question your faith from time to time. By believing in false hope you will eventually discover something true BELIEVE in and with it you’ll find your faith is restored.

31 March 2010

Just a quick Quote of the Day...

"The future depends on what we do in the present." - Mahatma Gandhi

30 March 2010

So it is said... "Do what you Love and the money shall follow...'

so indeed have a great day - keep moving forward - put one foot in front of the other... Ah, haven't posted a song for a spell, perhaps a bit of Rush fits the post;(One of the times I saw them was this tour, fun concert)

27 March 2010

Today is a New Day ~ It's Going To Be An Excellent One, indeed!

No need to fret over the past, just feel gratitude for lessons learned. Knowledge that can be used to ignite today. Don't worry about tommorrow, what you do today changes outcomes. Ahhh,the ol' cliches' ... "Be Here Now" ,"Be in the now" , "live in the moment" .. yadda yadda yadda. All you have is the now and it's yours to make, to mold, it into what you desire, what you need. Ah to sound cliche yet again "You don't always get what you want,... But you get what you need". Always believe, always have hope and anything is possible. Have a great day! Make it yours! Own it!

23 March 2010

Food For Thought regarding truth in nursery rhymes....

It is said; "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again" However, I suspect the real story is that Mr.Dumpty was on Medicare. Better not to try to put Humpty back together again. Time better spent on one of the King's men with the comp case. By order of ye royal risk manager. Ah, poor ol' Dumpty - He's the shell of the man he used to be.

19 March 2010

Happy Belated Saint Patrick's Day! ...

I'm scotch, not irish,... however, I do fancy irish fellows :o) Anywho, health has been brutal, absolutely brutal, .. but am muddling through, will try my best to start posting again very soon. A shame health prevents best from being good enough... but whatcha gonna do - eh?, it is what it is. Everything in life - it just is what it is,.. acceptance of that makes all the difference in the world..... Have a Great Day - and hope everyone had a marvelous St. Patty's day. Hope someone had a green beer for me.

13 March 2010

Merely posting a morning song which has a weekend morning feel to it....as always, hope you Enjoy!

Have a great day cyber people :o) (as for ebay listings... i'm workin' on it - i'm workin' it.. I wonder how one would go about recruiting a guardian angel, spirit guide, a muse or such. So it is said that everyone has a guardian angel watching over them, however, it would appear my angel/guide took a personal day a long time ago & never came back, was it something i said? anywho - if anyone is good at visualization, how about visualizing my items with bidding wars - all lit up in green double digits in my ebay ~ picture that :o) .. anyhow.......a Saturday morning song to ease you into your day - make it a good , as always , it is what it is, make it what you want it to be, be true to yourself, do unto others as you would have done unto you, perhaps today add to your to-do list getting in touch with someone you haven't talked to in a long time. Don't underestimate the power in just hearing the voice of someone who has always been in your corner. Such things can have a tremendous positive impact on your day. how about giving it a try? well, ta ta for now, catch you on the flip side, may all all your dreams come true ~ and then some ~ always

12 March 2010

Just a song I felt like hearing.... (and a bit of advice on Love..)

Well, a bit of a different version of the song I wanted to hear. From the movie "Across the Universe" (surprisingly well done, all things considering. By the way, Netflix members, that movie is a 'watch instantly') (still working on the 75 items, the pace will pick up, 100's of pics taken,.. will get there soon,.. ah, if only, ... hmm , ...anyone waiting at the finish line?.. always easier if/when there's someone at the finish line with open arms, eh? Instead of 'what would you do for a klondike bar?' .. 'what would you do for a great big bear hug... " , I digress... here's an interesting remake of a popular Beatles song "I want to hold your hand" (ah, the little things, such simple things can give the strength to move mountains. When's the last time you held your spouses hand in everyday life, not just a special occasion or during sex? When's the last time you embraced, bear-hug category, where it feels like your entire body has been massaged and your spirit energized, lingering in the moment. Life is too short, take heed. No better time like the present. Tonight, pull your loved one close, listen to their heart-beat, cherish the moment. Life is fragile. Enjoy,... savor, ... worship those you love. Love conquers all, truly. Focussing more on your family and the love that fills your home instead of the obstacles weighing you down with stress. By putting such things out of your mind and focusing on the love you are surrounding yourself with positivity thereby drawing more positive things into your life. Soon you'll find that Love truly does conquer all. Trust me & Enjoy (you'll never regret showing and sharing your love, really reflect upon that for awhile and perhaps taking more time Loving than stressing everything else in your life will just fall into place...

11 March 2010

Just a little something....

..... a foot tappin' song to ease into morning. flow with the day, the only things that stand in your way are the ones you allow to.... anything can happen,... make it a great day... make it what you want,.. go for what you want... great things await, yes??? ,...well, one would hope,eh?) Anywho, be back soon, on a whole new format,... at 75 items posted... see you then?

06 March 2010

A song to get your day started with the right 'feel'... hope it does the trick - Enjoy!

( just a bit of song for now,.. will be back later to revamp everything once the ebay is tended to... hope you stop back then, leave a comment or two if you find it enjoyable - thanks.)

05 March 2010

Need a Smile???

(just a song to getcha goin' ) - "Say Say Say" by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson

I was thumbing through some things on youtube and doing a bit of time travel through the music when I came across this gem. Indeed it will take you back in time a few decades when it was released. Hope you enjoy... will be back later, promise, and the items will get up on ebay.... (though, could use good wishes & prayers - indeed)

24 February 2010

Angelic Humans... Enya....interesting...

Just had to swing on by to post this song. Found this video by chance... more reading than one would like from a video, however, indeed worth the view. Quite interesting, timing - startling. (of course I didn't make this, I just post them - I don't create them... yet...) ENJOY!

18 February 2010

Here's a little something to bring some laughter to your day.... Enjoy!

hmmm, perhaps that's my affliction...

What can I.....

Well now, perhaps I shouldn’t have said I wouldn’t work on the blog until I got such n’ such done. Oooof. Oh Boy,.. Well, I’m getting to it. Deals a deal I suppose. Woman of my word – always. However, I suppose posting this and putting up a few songs I’ll probably just delete later… is that really cheating? Walking the line.. .. Hmm, suppose I could really use a guardian angel right about now… anywho.. here’s a few lil’ ditties to get your feet a’ tappin’ …

14 February 2010

Well Now....

Saint Valentine's Day already! Geez Louise! Still no 75 items on ebay, hence no posts (as I said I wouldn't do until the 75 are listed) Hmm. Well, won't say something like that again. Have to accept limitations I suppose. However, a deals a deal, even if it's just with myself. Where there is a will there is a way. Always. So, one way or another today is the day naturesgiftgarden.com has 75 items listed (watch for interesting new items, treat yourself, indulge yourself - undulge the senses, always) .. then come back here to enjoy the changed blog with warm fuzzy feelings. Like all things in life, a work in progress. Hope to see you back here soon. I will be posting interesting livecam links and such. I think you will enjoy.

08 February 2010

Ebay buyers & browsers...

Rest assured that your purchases will not be delayed due to health issues, or any issues. I pride myself on a quick ship and secure packaging. Pleasing on multiple levels. I want you to have a wonderfuly special ebay experience when purchasing from me so please don't let lag times in blog posts discourage you. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesistate to contact me. Thank you for your interest in my eBay items and blog posts. Stop back soon for new posts (coming after 75 items posted in store... then go on from there in revamping this page into the-warm-fuzzy-feeling-love-bug-sort-of-site)


This Ol' Grey mare aint what she used to be, gosh darn it... I have yet to create what I set out to do (referring to last post and time schedule hoped to accomplish it in..) However, I'm still kicking, still trying, ... surviving,.. hope to work quickly when I'm able to override the body, ignore the nerves and plug along like an ol' hack horse. So please check back soon, much should be accomplished by your next visit..

30 January 2010

Please be patient...

(hope the songs below from Streisend and Enya make you smile..Enoy!) I apologize for the lack of posts this January. I still am in the amidst of changing these pages around. This Pep Talk page will actually become an appendage to a new blog. A bit of a love bug, power-of-love, warm-fuzzy-feeling, inspirational blog (you'll have to stop by later this last weekend in January to understand what that means...I doubt it's what you envision. Hopefully it will be an enjoyable surprise.) I appreciate your patience. The blogs don't get worked on until at least 75 items are in the eBay store/auction which will be sometime this weekend, however, all in due time I suppose. Harsh cold winters are unkind on a creaky body which muddies up the timeline, and the mind, most of the time. However, It is what it is - Do what I can when I can (it's the pain people's mantra I suppose..) To make it easy to stay a breast of new blog postings click on the follow this blog link in the margin and you will recv automated alerts to new posts. Any questions, concerns, feedback please don't hesitate to contact me -Thank You

05 January 2010

Having trouble getting back in step after the holidays? Obstacles getting you down? Well here's a song to make you smile and get you going:

Well,I didn't find the song/video I intended to post. However, found a much more fitting tribute to your day. Van Halen's "Right Here - Right Now" . Hope you enjoy! Have a great day everyone... make it a great one. New day, New begining, New start. Just do what you can do the best that you can and that's all you can do. It is what it is. Acceptance is the key that opens many a door.

03 January 2010

A fun link for a morning journey...

Here's a fun little link that makes for a good stress reliever. Another live cam (though not as fun as the holiday market) which is controllable. Though it appears you must wait your turn to take control of the camera. I only visited briefly thus far and is one of many Hawaii cams, yet, am starting you out with this one. Also, this blog most likely will be moving to a new home at Multiply where the other eBay bloggers ended up after ebay took them done in Oct. Any who, hope you enjoy this little stress reliever link.


ahhh... and a fitting song for such a link...

02 January 2010

Good Morning n' Good New Year. A song to start your day, one which you wouldn't pick for yourself.... Curious?

Perfect New Year Song! (though, not a Streisand fan than slide it forward to " 1:39 " , the beginning of "SOME THING'S COMING" (.. somethings coming indeed... ?). This video is from her Timeless concert. Enjoy!

aww what the heck, some more streisand from the timeless concert, great clip, worth the watch in my opinion. Though, opinions are like ... (I'm sure you've heard the expression. Anywho...)

01 January 2010

A Song To Start Your New Year Out On the Right Foot... Enigma's "Return To Innocence"

May your cup runnith over in the new year. May you have good health and happiness. A year overflowing with positive energy, good tidings and blessings.
(I didn't create this video..)