28 December 2013

Does the Hustle & Bustle of the Holiday Season Have You Running Low on Steam? Frayed and Frazzled? ~ Laughter's not only the best medicine, it's an energy boost as well.....

I was prompted to post these videos because of the plethora of Michael Bolton commercials with him hawking hondas. It reminded me of the following video. Hope you enjoy,..
A smile can take you a million miles ;o)

The amusing thing about this next video is that it’s not meant to be Funny. At least I don’t think so. Admittedly I’m not cultured in accordion artistry. Annie Gong isa professional & accomplished accordion player, however, Michael Bolton’s a professional singer and look how that turned out- so who the heck knows. What I do know is that it’s impossible to watch & listen to this video and not smile. So Enjoy & Be Happy !! TTFN WWJD If this song gets stuck in your head, don’t sue me for damages. Thank You :0)

Awwww, might as well add in the following video, it is rather cute & clever. Make sure you add 'laughter' to your 'honey to-do list'.

18 December 2013

Yo Bro - CHeck out the headlights on that bitch.....

(My female huskimo's reflective collar has a wire that pokes into her , didn't want to walk her at night with just a harness so i attached finger lights i got for a buck from rite aids dollar days bin to create red and green headlights. She loves accessorizing)

I guess the feeders not squirrel-proof.....