30 April 2014

An evening showered with laughter and rain.... ;o)

Normally if there is a video with the 'embed disabled' due to copyright jibber jabber I move onto the next, however, with this one - I just have to share the link despite the embed being disabled, Very much worth the click ~ Guaranteed for a smile! I assure you... ENJOY, ... think happy thoughts.
Name of the youtube video:

 Gallagher: Mad As Hell pt 1 (1981)
WWGD ;)  .. what would Gallagher do (wink wink, nudge nudge, laugh laugh)

link: http://youtu.be/pXxMOsrAj7U

and of course, a bit of song...

27 April 2014

Nature Quotes :o)

"Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul."
– Mario Quintana

"My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant's point of view."
~H. Fred Dale

"Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. "
 ~Author Unknown

"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed."
  ~Mohandas K. Gandhi

"In America today you can murder land for private profit. You can leave the corpse for all to see, and nobody calls the cops."
  ~Paul Brooks

" Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites."
  ~William Ruckelshaus

" We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we
borrow it from our children." 
  ~Native American Proverb

"I think the environment should be put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend?"
~Robert Redford, Yosemite National Park dedication, 1985

26 April 2014

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible". ~Christopher Reeve

"Where hope would otherwise become hopelessness, it becomes faith."
~Robert Brault

(... in the video below, when Ol' Barb greets the crowd she mentions "Your Brave For Coming Out At All !!!", if you remember her TIMELESS concert aired right after the events of 9/11. Many events taking place in large venues were cancelled or postponed but I guess with a broadway background 'the show must go on')

Everything is always in a constant state of change... evolving and adapting. Life is fluid. Catch the wave and cherish every moment. No matter how challenging a situation you're always stronger than you can ever imagine.

25 April 2014

Geez Louizzeeee....

Don't you just hate it when there's a song stuck in your head.  Well, I'm hoping by posting it my head shall be cleared and the song will be stuck in your head instead.  So Hope You ENJOY! :o)   (Middle age folk, next time you're offended by the suggestive lyrics the youngin's listen to today think about just how suggestive music of days gone by has been.  same old, same old... merely dancing to the beat of a different drum (oh great, now the show 'different strokes' is stuck in my head...I yi yi, but anywho.. have fun, take care & think happy thoughts - always)

22 April 2014

video from botanical garden eagle cam, baby's first look at the world


19 April 2014

Cherry Blossoms: March 30 at George Washington University

think happy thoughts , count your blessings, cherish what is dear & true :o) always

LIVE FEED of Cherry Blossoms, Washington D.C.

National Parks Service – Earth Cam
           ENJOY! ~ Kick Back, Relax & Take a moment
                for a mental journey to Washington :o)


Cherry trees blossom six years early after a trip to space


In 2008 Japanese scientists decided to take a handful of cherry tree seeds (and by "handful" we mean over 250) to space. The embryonic plants spent eight months aboard theInternational Space Station as part of an educational project aimed at children. When the stones returned, 14 of them were selected and planted around Japan. The saplings were expected to bloom after 10 years of maturation. Instead, four of them sprouted flowers this year -- a full six years ahead of schedule. The sudden and extremely early blossoming of the trees has scientists quite confused and desperately seeking answers. Kaori Tomita-Yokotani, from the University of Tsukuba, told AFP she was stumped. "There is the possibility that exposure to stronger cosmic rays accelerated the process of sprouting and overall growth," she said, but also suggested that cross pollination could be the culprit. Since the project involving the seeds was not a true experiment, and more a stunt to pique the interest of children, there is no control group to compare against. In fact, there's very little data at all for the scientists to work with. We're betting on the cosmic rays, though. We all know what happens when humans are bombarded by them