19 December 2009

Just stopping by....

just wanted to post a few relaxing songs... probably will come back and delete this later.... also, it's night time at the market live cam... was snowing earlier too.. quite the pretty sight to see, the camera controls are quite wild... http://webcam.anw.at/ ((the flood lights,prominent in camera 1, are new - or brighter, i can imagine what promoted the bright lights... any who... remember w/ the live cam you are fighting for the controls with other people watching the cam, if they are persistent then just let them taking you on a little journey of what they would like to see, then take back the controls when they slow... the trick to it is to rapidly press the direction or zoom in/out buttons on the remote control.. it constantly refreshing so there is a slight hesitation instead of smooth motion, get in as many clicks as you can before it refreshes - out-click the other guy... camera one is good for zooming out and looking at the city...few good booths to check out the vendors , far left there is a small train going around in a circle on the green ...but other viewers don't let me zoom into that area... different perspective from cameras 2 and 3 .. camera 3 can get you to the manager scene and some pretty cool other stuff... and again, can zoom in so as to take a stroll with the tourists, ..open your mind and view with all your senses, it need not be just visual, .. let's take a walk shall we...

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