28 July 2014

Food For Thought & a Bit O' Song xoxo

The WGN has a new series, Manhattan. Every promo succeeded in getting the song Manhattan Project stuck in my head (perhaps from the visual accuracy of the show coincides with footage from the video) In any case... as it is stuck in my head so shall be stuck in yours as well :o) (perhaps a bit of shared consciousness, or so one might call it...) Hope you Enjoy and have a great day. If perhaps your day is one you'd just assume forget it always will serve you well to count your blessings. Think you're having a shitty day... take a moment to let your mind stroll through history,... indeed your day could be worse. Remind yourself of the polarity of existence. Positive and Negative coincide as if two sides of a coin. You are always surrounded by positive blessings, shift your focus and you might just see stressors, more often than not, find a way of working themselves out. Pardon me for being cliché, but I just have to say it.....Hang In There Kitty! (you're picturing a cat hanging by one paw :o)

First episode of WGN's new series "Manhattan" - embed not available, can only provide link to view episode via Hulu:


Rush's Manhattan Project:
(...the creator of the following video inserted his own personal opinions via text at the tail end of the song.  What is it the networks say?...' the opinions in the following segment don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher of this blog. '  I refrain from commenting on the nature of the show & videos given that I don't have enough data to determine would of's and could of's .. and of course hind sight is always 20/20... Opinions change and perhaps if one were to flip through pages of unseen classified data then an opinioned would be altered... who knows... just call me Switzerland and call it a day I guess... )

In a field of Rush links on youtube, might as well pick a few more themed pieces...

Red Sector A

might as well post one more for good measure..


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