22 March 2015

"Last Call At The Oasis" - a look outside the bubble.

For many, or perhaps all of us at one time or another, live life as a series of routines and tasks peppered with occasional fun and frolic. Our electronic gizmos and gadgets link us to an endless flow of knowledge, information and what has become a new type of socialization It's much like a lawyer flooding the opposition with an endless supply of useless data. We tend to live within bubbles, attached to other bubbles.Endless supply of books to read or to listen to , music, video, and places to tweet what you just had for lunch (with a compelling urge to share such image with everyone within your bubble, ... and the bubbles connected to it.) It's human nature to turn a blind eye to a problem and forget it's existence. Thus, the following video is to wipe away the condensation from the walls of the bubble. Instead of a blind eye, perhaps it's more of the car accident people feel compelled to stop to try to get a glimpse of the carnage.

Here's the carnage for ya,...

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